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How to make MF Cinnamon Rolls.


It’s a crisp, cool, and slightly cold morning in London and at MF Products we hope you’re wrapping up well during this wintery time. As it’s Saturday I’m sure many of you are looking for things to do to past the time. After all, it is the weekend now (whoop whoop), so why don’t you get your apron and warm yourself up with some freshly baked MF cinnamon rolls.

The cinnamon roll is a pastry that’s been in circulation for many years, they’re commonly eaten as breakfast and originated in the Norwegian era after spice traders introduced the highly anticipated spice into Europe where it was appreciated rather quickly. Many years later countries such as Sweden and Denmark began to make rolls with cinnamon inside thus starting the creation of “cinnamon rolls”. Its simplicity and delectability was what made it so successful and allowed it to travel the world savouring international tongues even to this very day.

And now, it’s your turn to embrace this tasty pastry and start your morning right. Making these cinnamon rolls will take just over an hour to make with prep time taking around 40 minutes and actual baking time around 30. Here’s how to make them.

-          Ingredients

-          300g of self-raising flour

-          2 tablespoons of caster sugar

-          1 teaspoon of MF Cinnamon powder

-          70g butter, melted, plus extra for greasing

-          2 egg yolks

-          130ml of milk, plus extra for glazing

For the filling:

-          1 teaspoon of MF Cinnamon powder

-          55g of light brown soft sugar

-          2 tablespoons of caster sugar

-          40g of butter, melted

Making the rolls:

1)      Pre heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Grease your cake tin and line it with baking paper.

2)      Next, mix the flour, caster sugar and MF Cinnamon together with a pinch of salt in a bowl. Whisk the butter, egg yolks and milk together and combine with the dry ingredients to make a soft dough. Turn out onto a floured surface and roll out to a rectangle.

3)      Thirdly, mix the filling ingredients together. Spread evenly over the dough then roll it up lengthways, like a Swiss roll, to form a log. Using a sharp knife, cut the dough into 8 even-sized slices and pack into the prepared tin.

4)      Brush gently with extra milk and bake for 30-35 mins or until golden brown. Remove from the oven and cool for 5 mins before removing from the tin.

5)      Lastly, sift the icing sugar into a large bowl and make a well in the centre. Place the cream cheese and butter in the centre, pour over 2 tbsp boiling water, and stir to mix. Add a little more water until you have a drizzly consistency. Stir in the vanilla essence, then drizzle the icing over the rolls.

That my friends is how you make MF Cinnamon rolls. We hope you have a great day!


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