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Recipes: How to make apple pie bagels with MF Products.


Welcome to the MF Products Blog, it is a beautiful Saturday morning, the sun is beaming, and we hope you guys are up and ready to make some brunch. Today we will be showing how to make bagels. However, these are not any old bagels, they are apple pie ones with secret ingredients that make the difference when consuming. Before we go into how we make them, let's look at how they came about. Bagels have been recorded to be in existence as early as the 1600s throughout the entirety of Europe. As it turns out, many countries have their versions of circular bread and during this time nations such as Poland and Germany simply adapted to one another. It is said that these doughy delights were common in German monasteries and the Polish monarchy. The modern bagel however is said to have a complete accident by a baker in Vienna. He made it as a tribute to the King of Poland, Jan Sobieski III, who led forces to save Austria from Turkish invaders. The baker, aware of the king's love of horses, shaped the yeast dough into a circle and called it a ‘beugel’, which is Austrian for "stirrup." Now, back to our recipe. These bagels are most definitely not low in fat and you may find yourself breaking your diet with these bagels. They are soft and chewy with a crispy outer layer that you will fall in love with after the first bite. Interested? Well, let us get into how to make these.



-          2 cups Apple cider

-          1/4 cup unsalted butter

-          5-6 cups all-purpose flour

-          1/4 cup of brown sugar

-          1 a teaspoon of salt

-          1/2 a tablespoon of MF Cinnamon

-          1/2 a tablespoon of MF Nutmeg

-          2 1/2 teaspoon of instant dry yeast

-          1 cup Apples, peeled and diced (approx 1.5 apples)


-          1 egg white

-          1/4 cup of unsalted butter, room temperature

-          1/3 cup of flour

-          1/2 cup of brown sugar

-          1/4 teaspoon of salt


1)      In a medium saucepan over medium heat, warm cider and butter until butter is just melted. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.

2)      In the bowl of your electric mixer, fitted with the dough hook, add 1 c. of flour, the sugar, cider mixture, salt, MF Cinnamon, MF Nutmeg, apples, and yeast. Mix on medium speed until combined.

3)      Slowly add 1/2 cup of flour at a time, mixing until combined, until the dough comes together and is just a little sticky.

4)      Next, turn the mixture on medium-high and knead for 4-6 minutes until the dough is elastic. Add flour, a tablespoon at a time, if too sticky. Place in a buttered bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm spot for an hour or so (it should double in size).

5)      Once the dough has doubled, grab 3" balls of dough, and roll in your hand. Next, poke a hole in the centre and stretch it out. Once you have made all your bagels, allow them to rise for another 10 minutes or so. In the meantime, boil a pot of water and mix your topping ingredients in a bowl using a fork.

6)      Preheat your oven to 420 degrees.

7)      When water is boiling, drop 3 bagels in at a time, flipping (and removing with a slotted spoon) after 30 seconds on each side.

8)      Place boiled bagels on a parchment-lined baking sheet, brush with egg white and sprinkle topping overtop.

9)      Bake for 20 minutes. Let cool and enjoy with a pad of butter or plain cream cheese.

We hope you guys enjoy it because the team sure did!


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