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MF Coffee Presents: Mind-Blowing Facts About Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

At MF Coffee we love spreading positivity as well as vital and valuable information. That it is why we’re proud to show you the heritage of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee and how it became such a reputable place to source coffee from. So, without further ado we present to you an insight on coffee from the Jamaican Blue Mountains.

How and when did it all begin?

Surprisingly, coffee production in Jamaica began after 1728, when governor Sir Nicholas Lawes introduced the crop near Castleton, north of Kingston. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is a very special variety of coffee that is grown in the Blue Mountains region, which has the most conducive climate and topographical features; our variety is known for its scent and saccharine taste.

The plantation process, its grown and harvested IN Jamaica.

Well, most of the coffee grown on the beautiful island that we know as Jamaica is a derivative of the Brazilian variety known as ‘Coffea arabica Typica’, constituting 70% of the harvest, while other varieties grown are hybrid varieties. The coffee that is grown in the Blue Mountains is of very high quality and is mostly exported. Coffee is grown at an elevation of 15–1,603 metres , with a rainfall occurrence varying from 125 centimetres to measurements as grand as 700 centimetres. Farming methods are specifically focused on a high rate of production with optimum acidity to ensure that the coffee’s taste remain rich and flavoursome.  

We have direct government involvement with our coffee.

The Ministry of Agriculture and its secondary office, the Jamaica Agricultural Commodities regulatory authority also known as JACRA, are responsible for all activities of the coffee sector. JACRA set up the Coffee Industry Development Company also known as CIDCO to shoulder direct responsibility for coffee production. The Coffee Industry Regulation Act specifies what coffee may use the Blue Mountain label, and also restricts the use of the Blue Mountain trademark to production authorized by the Coffee Industry Board. By having such an important influence overseeing our process it helps others to recognise our brand, MF Coffee, as legitimate.

We produce a LOT of coffee.

According to statistics for 2013, Jamaican coffee production was 6,984 tons can you believe that?! That’s nearly 7000 tons! Anyhow, this represents about 0.1% of world production. The coffee is grown in an area of 20,000 acres with a very impressive yield rate. For the period from 1981 to 2013, the lowest production was 958 tons in 1979 and the highest was 15,117 tons in 2007. This is the success that we at MF Coffee are a part of. We plan to expand into Europe and give the Blue Mountains the recognition it deserves as 80 of its exports go to Japan. Yes, its time she shared the love a bit more equally now.

In essence guys, we didn’t no create coffee guys however we have indeed revolutionised the process in making coffee and created a standard that even elite cultivators struggle to keep up with, MF Coffee for the win!

green mountain under blue sky


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