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Showing posts from January, 2021

How to make MF Cinnamon Rolls.

  It’s a crisp, cool, and slightly cold morning in London and at MF Products we hope you’re wrapping up well during this wintery time. As it’s Saturday I’m sure many of you are looking for things to do to past the time. After all, it is the weekend now (whoop whoop), so why don’t you get your apron and warm yourself up with some freshly baked MF cinnamon rolls. The cinnamon roll is a pastry that’s been in circulation for many years, they’re commonly eaten as breakfast and originated in the Norwegian era after spice traders introduced the highly anticipated spice into Europe where it was appreciated rather quickly. Many years later countries such as Sweden and Denmark began to make rolls with cinnamon inside thus starting the creation of “cinnamon rolls”. Its simplicity and delectability was what made it so successful and allowed it to travel the world savouring international tongues even to this very day. And now, it’s your turn to embrace this tasty pastry and start your morning r

How to make MF Soursop Mousse

Good evening MF Products Blog readers, I hope your week has gone off to a tremendous start. I can assure you ours has. We’re approaching the end of January 2021, but we’ve still got more recipes for you guys to try, test and taste. Today we will be using our MF Soursop Powder as our main ingredient for our Soursop Mousse. At some point, we all get bored of the same old type of desserts, cake, ice cream, sweets… sometimes we want something different and that’s what MF Products would like to offer – something different and unique but still healthy and absolutely delightful to eat. The MF Team after trying this tasty creation immediately commented on how refreshing the mousse was and the plethora of different tastes all waiting to stimulate in some shape or form. I’m sure many of you can’t wait to eat this dessert so here’s how to make it. Ingredients: -           1 recipe of vegan meringue -           1 tablespoon of Agar powder -           1 ½ cup + 1 tablespoon of Soursop Pulp

How to make MF Seamoss gel

It’s a wonderful Saturday evening and I’m sure many of you are getting ready to order, or eat, your takeaway food, however, for you superfood fanatics that continue to live your life 100% by the health code, you’ll know there’s no time for McDonald's or pizza. Many of you are looking for even more filling alternatives and we have just the thing for you. MF Seamoss gel is excellent for smoothies and even foods as it’s taste is rather subtle as it doesn’t disturb the extrinsic palettes. We’ve already highlighted the various benefits associated with MF Seamoss however today we are going to show you how to make MF Seamoss gel, this, as a result, allows the nutrients from MF Seamoss to be easily consumed and digested. Its ability to be infused within any food or drink without drastically altering the taste whilst still revitalising your body is utterly amazing and it’s a superfood that we should grandly give a round of applause. First things first, you will need to prep your MF Se

How to make MF Moringa and multi-seed crackers!

Good evening everyone, the MF Team are hoping your week has started well, if it has well done, if it hasn’t, we have something that may cheer you up in no time. Crackers - everyone loves crackers, it’s hard not to. The crunch, the texture, the taste they’re just a wonderful snack to consume and MF Products are about to cause a storm with another recipe idea. We present to you the MF Moringa Crackers. They’re quick, easy, and tasty. They also provide you with a multitude of benefits as a result of the grains and MF Moringa which you know, is good for everyone. With these crackers, you can add nuts, fresh fruit, cheese (vegan for some you) and dried fruit to your cheeseboard. First off, the ingredients. This recipe will contain a lot of seeds which are an excellent source of fibre and good for the maintenance of your body. You will need: -           250g of plain or wholemeal flour -           1 teaspoon of MF Moringa Powder -           1 cup of pumpkin seeds -           3/4 cup

How to make a Gin and MF Coffee Martini

Good evening my MF readers, we’re back again with another blog and today we hope you’re ready because after reading this you’re going to WANT to make this recipe. This recipe isn’t just for any occasion, it’s the perfect beverage for when you’re trying to lay down and relax and enjoy the rest of your evening. We present to you… the Gin and MF Coffee Martini! I’m sure some of you are surprised, however, we’ve evaluated and tried the use of various spirits, and we found that the distinct taste of gin paired exceptionally well our luxurious espresso. Of course, the team couldn’t consume too much (we’re responsible professionals) however, we thoroughly enjoyed it. The gin fans (we know there’s a lot you) are sure to be delighted when they hear of this new concoction produced by MF Products. I’m sure you’re ready to grab the ingredients and make your own martini, so here you are: - 50ml gin, such as Sipsmith London Dry Gin - 25ml MF Espresso - 25ml coffee liqueur, triple sec or simp

How to make a "Strawberry Dream" with MF Coffee.

In a short space of time, MF Products have been able to release a grand quantity of content for you guys to enjoy, recipes, tips and tricks, stories and much much more! As food enthusiasts, we are absolutely crazy about nutrition and the multitude of creations that are possible with our products. This evening, MF Products have a particularly special and exquisite recipe that uses MF Coffee . It’s called the “Strawberry Dream” and rest assured, this strawberry drink is certainly a dream to many. One sip of this delectable treat and we promise you won't stop drink until it’s empty, it’s seriously that good. Its origins are unknown however, it is more likely to be a modern concoction as opposed to an older one such as Irish coffee for example. Without further ado, let’s begin with the ingredients of this blissful recipe. You will need: (for 5 people) ·          150 millilitres of brewed MF Coffee espresso ·          5 centilitres of strawberry syrup ·          25 grams of

How to make MF Coffee and Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Good evening MF Product Blog readers and we’re back again for another recipe where you can use your newly acquired MF Products. Whether it’s MF Cinnamon or MF Soursop or MF Sea Moss , the MF Team has recipes for our entire tasty line. Today we’re going to be using our MF Instant Coffee for our newest creation… MF Coffee and Chocolate Chip Cookies! These treats are absolutely amazing as the chocolate and coffee perfectly compliment each other. You can even add nuts to add even more dimension to your cookies but we tend to refrain for them. Nonetheless, these cookies were truly yummy, with a batch of 12 going in the space of a few hours! They also pair nicely with surprise surprise, a cup of MF Coffee so we’d advise pairing your cookies with a warm concoction. Making these cookies are very easy to make and it doesn’t require that much effort, for the ingredients you will need: -           Plain/all-purpose flour -           Baking powder -           Baking soda -           Cor