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What is the best type of coffee?

Good evening my MF Product Blog readers, it’s been a while but we’re back with more content for you guys. Today, we saw a reader ask, “Out of all the different types of coffee, which one is the best?” and we believe it’s a great question. However, we also think that it depends on what you’re drinking for and that is what we will be investing in todays MF Blog. So, without further ado let’s get into this.

A good cup of coffee is one that does whatever job it is that you assign it. Whether it be the most rank, percolated cup of coffee that you’re in dire need off for that extra boost or the most complex mocha made with MF Coffee that finesses your tongue with a touch of foam while you eat an olive shortbread. I know, fancy. The point is that there are so many variations of coffee to tickle your fancy.

So, given that there are lattes, cappuccinos, and mochas the point this is that, while the ingredients are simple, the experience is not. There is nothing crazy about ordering a cappuccino or a latte, as the way that milk foam vs steamed milk vs cold milk reacts with your tongue is entirely different.

Another thing is that coffee is adapted and changed as it passes through cultures. African coffee varies from south American coffee the same way south American coffee varied from Asian coffee.

So how do you determine what a good cup of coffee is?

Well first of all you’ve got to figure out the situation you're in. If you want solely a pick-me-up with little regard to the texture and quality of the coffee, you've already defined what you need, and you can get that from most coffees with the right amount and brewing method.

Next, go to a cafe that serves pour-overs, experience something new. Pour overs are a great way to experience new blends/varietals of coffee, and the aluminium cones that many places use is a great and neutral way to taste them. Start without milk and without sugar, only adding either if you really feel it is necessary.


This slightly links to my last point but try different variations in coffee especially MF Coffee. Maybe this week you’ll pick up a cold brew, or a latte, or a macchiato made with MF Coffee and taste the difference. Most likely, the same espresso blend will be pulled for each style (minus cold brew), so you can see how the different combinations of milk foam and steamed milk affect the espresso and its deliverance into your mouth.


Think outside of these coffee shops. I'll admit that I have no problem going to Starbucks or costa on occasion, but it's usually to satisfy the first point in this list. Their drinks tend to be either desert-ish, saturated with sugar, or very simple, with the straight espresso leaving little to the imagination. Instead of going to a coffee shop, perhaps just curve your crave until you get home and then use MF Coffee.


So, to conclude, just like food, beers, wines, art, and music - coffee offers up a variety of paths that only you can decide which of those you like. It's certainly not just Costa and Starbucks. There is a fascinating world devoted to picking MF Coffee beans, roasting them to excellence, grinding them to precision, and brewing them to perfection, for you to try out right now.


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