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Showing posts from November, 2020

What is an Affogato coffee?

Rise and shine my MF Products Blog readers, it’s Saturday morning and I already know some you have your music blaring and your MF Coffee brewing. There’s nothing better than a delicious cup of MF Coffee in the morning and today, we’re looking to switch things up from your typical espresso or flat white in the morning. Last week we received an email from an MF Product fan who asked for us to talk about different coffee recipes, their origin and how they’re made. We thought it was a great idea and to start us off on this series we will be talking about the Affogato Coffee. So, sit back and relax and we delve into another wonderful recipe. The affogato is a hot and cold delicacy available on many specialty coffee shop menus, as well as in restaurants. The affogato is a dessert that can be made with two core ingredients: vanilla ice cream and espresso brewed MF Coffee . Originally invented in Italy, the word “affogato” literally translates as “drowned” in English. This is humorously

How to make MF Mokatines at home

Good evening my lovely MF Products Blog readers! It’s been quite a while since we’ve shared a recipe that uses MFCoffee . However, after a recent demand in the resurgence of the crazy Mountain Forrest recipe ideas… we couldn’t resist. Today we will be teaching you guys how to make MF Mokatines at home. As we’re currently in lockdown, it’s great to find things in the house to do and we believe your quarantine boredom will be subdued very easily after making these wonderful little brown cakes. For this recipe you will need a shallow 18cm/7in square cake tin and a piping bag fitted with a number 7-star nozzle. The ingredients For the genoise sponge: -           1g butter -           3 large free-range eggs -           75g caster sugar -           65g self-raising flour -           1 tbsp cornflour For the coffee icing -           50g butter -           1 tbsp instant MF Coffee -           225g icing sugar, sifted For the crème beurre au moka -           40

How to make mushrooms using MF Coffee grounds.

  Good evening MF Product blog readers, it’s blog time and today we shall be talking about mushrooms and MF Coffee can be used if you want to grow mushrooms fast and organically. Just in case you didn’t know, mushrooms only thrive in specific conditions and are notoriously difficult to grow, which is why a detailed plan is needed to explain how to grow them correctly. First things first, they do not grow in ordinary garden soil, this is because they require a substrate, or underlying substance or layer so that it can be used for energy and nutrition. A good substrate is required in order for the mushroom to grow and to fruit to its highest capabilities. Used MF Coffee grounds make a great substrate because they are packed full of nutrients that mushrooms like to grow on. What’s also particularly interesting is the fact that sterilisation doesn’t even need to occur as the brewing process of coffee has done that already. Anyways, we’re now going to give you a step by step tutorial on

Can coffee be used externally on your skin?

Good evening, it’s MF Products UK and today's topic will touch on the use of coffee externally on your skin. Coffee is what we would regard as a ‘superfood’ it just possesses so many purposes that it’s impossible to find what it CAN NOT do. Nevertheless, the use of coffee on one's face is a sceptical topic but an interesting one and will be looked at on a greater level. So, what can coffee do for your face externally? well, it can reduce the appearance of cellulite on the face.  Cellulite is a condition that gives the skin a dimpled, lumpy appearance. It affects 80–90% of adult women. Cellulite usually occurs when fat deposits push through the connective tissue under your skin and are commonly seen in the buttocks and thighs. The way MF Coffee is used is when caffeine such as that in MF Coffee grounds is applied topically, it may help break down this fat and increase blood flow to the area, thus decreasing the appearance of cellulite. To create an actual mixture simply mix g

Can coffee grounds be used for insects and pets?

  Woah woah woah, don’t just throw those coffee grounds away! Did you know every year in the UK we waste 500,000 tonnes of coffee grounds, it’s quite ridiculous. At MF Products we have realised that coffee grounds have many practical uses other than for cooking and drinking. Used MF Coffee grounds can be used around the home and garden and can even help spruce up your beauty routine to help ensure you look ‘fab’. We’ve previously mentioned the way how MF Products have used coffee grounds as fertiliser for their gardens so now it’s time to speak on what else coffee can do aside from being used for consumption. Many readers aren’t going to believe this however, MF Coffee grounds can be used surprisingly for your pets too. Now I know there are many questions and queries however it’s true. Coffee grounds can indeed be used for pets and insects. How? Let’s find out! Fleas are a shared problem in household pets and treating them can be expensive and time-consuming (trust me, we know

Benefits of cinnamon.

MF Cinnamon is a heavily preferred household spice and has been used around the world for centuries. Once traded as currency, this spice has a lovely flavour and heartfelt smell that has made it popular in cooking, particularly in baking and curries. The spice originates from the inner bark of a small evergreen tree. The bark is peeled and laid in the sun to dry up, where it curls up into rolls known as cinnamon sticks. The cinnamon is then grinded out to make a powder with nothing else added to it. At MF Products , we love cinnamon for more reasons than one. We’ve already told you how it can be used in coffee and cake. Now it’s time to look at how it’s good for you.   We’ve spoken about the variety of spices that possess anti-bacterial functions and cinnamon isn’t any different. The distinctive smell and flavour of cinnamon derives from the essential oils contained in the bark, called cinnamaldehyde. Cinnamaldehyde displays antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties to

Interesting ways to use jerk seasoning!

  Good evening MF Products blog readers today we're going to be looking at the different ways you can use MF Jerk Seasoning so, without further ado let's get into this. Whenever you guys hear jerk, you automatically think of chicken, being grilled, and smoked served with rice and peas or maybe just salad. Well, jerk seasoning has a lot more uses than just for chicken. It can be used in beef, pork, and fish recipes to add that different dynamic to your dish. The MF Products team decide to see if we could spice up non-Jamaican dishes with the use of MF Jerk Seasoning and we were astonished with the results.   The first way you could use MF Jerk Seasoning is in your scrambled eggs. This may sound ridiculous however adding that jerk flavour to your eggs will spruce your palette in the morning nicely. The eggs mixed with the variety of spices surprisingly bode well together to create something quite special   The second way you can use jerk seasoning is with guacamole. Th