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Showing posts from June, 2020

Is coffee dehydrating?

At MF Coffee, we will continue to tell you this repeatedly. We love helping others. We love informing the public and sharing knowledge for the greater good. It’s just a part of the MF ethos. Today at MF Coffee, we will be looking at a frequently asked question. “Is coffee dehydrating?” This may be due to individuals having headaches or feeling light-headed after drinking coffee or feeling like they’re in a state of thirst. Either way, we’re going to clean up all the misconceptions. So, sit back and relax whilst we completely revolutionise your opinion.. Coffee is considered to be a “mild diuretic”. Meaning, it makes the kidneys work harder in order to release salt and water from your body. This leads to the common misconception that because more water is being released from your body due to the coffee, that means the coffee is making you “dehydrated”. With that being said, many people forget how remarkable the body is and fail to understand that the human body is a machine. A very

How does caffeine keep us awake?

Caffeine, caffeine, caffeine. What is caffeine? What does it do? How do we use it? How does it keep us awake? Well, today I’m going to answer all of these long-awaited questions. Why? Because we, at MF Coffee , thrive on informing you guys on everything that's about coffee. It’s just what we do. The purpose in caffeine is to make us feel elated, energetic, and attentive. You could get a minimal amount of sleep and it will still find a way to provide you with that boost you so desperately need. So, what exactly gives caffeine that energising sensation? Well, in the human body, caffeine acts as a type of stimulant for the central nervous system. It keeps us awake by blocking out the key sleep molecule called adenosine. This is created by our beautiful brain. The process then continues as our bodies NEED a constant supply of energy. The way our body gets this energy is by breaking down adenosine triphosphate (also known as ATP) in the process. Infusing with MF Coffee’s smooth liqu

MF Coffee Presents: Mind-Blowing Facts About Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

At MF Coffee we love spreading positivity as well as vital and valuable information. That it is why we’re proud to show you the heritage of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee and how it became such a reputable place to source coffee from. So, without further ado we present to you an insight on coffee from the Jamaican Blue Mountains . How and when did it all begin? Surprisingly, coffee production in Jamaica began after 1728, when governor Sir Nicholas Lawes introduced the crop near Castleton, north of Kingston. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is a very special variety of coffee that is grown in the Blue Mountains region, which has the most conducive climate and topographical features; our variety is known for its scent and saccharine taste. The plantation process, its grown and harvested IN Jamaica. Well, most of the coffee grown on the beautiful island that we know as Jamaica is a derivative of the Brazilian variety known as ‘Coffea arabica Typica’, constituting 70% of the harvest,

How is coffee de-caffeinated?

So, you’ve just had a long stressful day at work. The kids are tearing the house down and you haven’t even had time to cook. You just need that delicious cup of MF Coffee to put you in that comfort zone, to help you relax. But oh no! Its 7pm and you need to be in bed by 10. You can’t have that delicious cup of coffee that you have been yearning for all day, the caffeine will have you running through the walls all night! If only there was a type of coffee that had the caffeine extracted out it. Sorry, what? What do you mean that’s already a thing? Decaf? Okay then… I guess it’s time MF Products takes a look at how coffee is de-caffeinated . First things first, the coffee has to be decaffeinated while it’s still green before it gets roasted. In the past century two methods have been established. Direct and indirect. In my opinion both are excellent in successfully removing all but around 2% of the caffeine. “So, what’s the difference?” I hear you ask, well I’m about to get into it

Coffee: Instant or Naturally grounded?

Okay, sure. We get it. Not everyone has the time to grind whole coffee beans with care and then have a brewer prepared. Trust me, at MF Products , we get it. For this reason, instant coffee is extremely popular in today's generation as we can simply grab a cup and sprint off to work or school. In fact, the statistics suggest that half of the worlds population prefer instant coffee as opposed to freshly brewed coffee which leads the question, which is better, instant coffee or freshly grounded? Unfortunately, such an answer is subjective purely because they have different purposes. However, grounded coffee (such as a packet from MF Products ) does possess a higher caffeine count and much more flavoursome oils which overall is what makes the coffee so good. With instant coffee what you do get is an easier brew. You just add some granules to your cup, add hot water and then you’re ready to go. When brewing natural coffee, it’s a much longer process but it does result in a more who

How storing your coffee beans can drastically improve your coffee's taste.

The best cups of coffee contain the best selection of beans, roasted with the best type of equipment, and stored in the best conditions. At MF Coffee, that’s what we strive for, the best and the best only. We’ve already established that the beans from the Jamaican Blue Mountains are the finest but there’s a way to take full advantage of its powerful taste even more. With the correct storage techniques, we at MF Coffee can aid you in maximising that much-needed freshness and flavour for the best cup of coffee. By following these little tips, you’ll be brewing much better cups in no time. The first thing we must do is keep the beans airtight and cool. It is imperative that we attempt to preserve the beans fresh roasted flavour for as long as possible as the coffee beans’ greatest foes are light, moisture, heat, and air. Luckily, at MF Coffee , our coffee is sealed in bronze airtight bags that aren’t see through in order to minimise the exposure of any of the previous elements that we

2 Tips On How Brew Better Coffee.

At MF Coffee we believe its all about chemistry, it’s about extracting that right amount of flavour from our beans or maybe even altering the way the coffee is brewed to get a better cup. I’ve heard many coffee lovers complain that their cups aren’t the same as when they purchase from the big corporations such as Starbucks or Costa. Well, at MF Coffee , a brand that takes care in providing the best produce, we are here to improve your brewing skills. Forget that cup of Starbucks you “fell in love with”. All you need is a packet of MF Coffee and 5 minutes to learn (from the professionals) on how to make a better cup of coffee. So, without further ado let’s get into 3 ways on how to make your coffee taste better. The first thing that can implemented into our coffee schedules, is measuring the ratio of coffee to water using a digital scale. Maybe you guys didn’t realise but Baristas in speciality coffee cafes use scales, especially digital ones, as a really effective way in getting a

How to make iced coffee the MF way.

Iced coffee is possibly the most refreshing beverages one could consume. It’s a wonderful way to modify the simple creation of a brewed espresso into something more exciting. What makes iced coffee exciting is the contrast of temperature to what most coffee drinkers are not used to. With that being said, iced coffee is very easy and enjoyable to make. So, without further ado, let’s get started. First things first, you’re going to need: -           1-3 tablespoons of MF Coffee (for a glass), 10-15 tablespoons for a jug -           Cold Water -           Your favourite creamer -           Ice -           Strainer -           A container Now that you have the ingredients we can begin. For a glass of iced coffee, you simply place 10-15 tablespoons of MF COFFEE in your container, specifically MF COFFEE. If we don’t use the best coffee in the world, then this recipe won’t work so please ensure that the coffee you’re using is MF COFFEE , if for some peculiar reason you aren’t

How do we cultivate coffee at MF PRODUCTS UK ?

At MF COFFEE UK , we tend to do things a little differently. Whilst many companies tend to stick to cheap and basic forms of coffee cultivation, due to the Jamaican Blue Mountains, our coffee is farmed so uniquely you’ll never want coffee from anywhere else again! The Blue Mountains serve as the highest peak in Jamaica and provide an ideal climate for growing high-quality coffee. A cool, misty climate with elevated level of rainfall precipitates soil that is incredibly moist and fertile. The reduced oxygen at an altitude of over 5,000ft produces a richer coffee bean, with plants growing slower than normal and therefore having a more concentrated flavour. We believe in creating and distributing the best coffee in the world and that’s it. Although the process is considerably extensive, when you take that first indulgent sip of MF COFFEE UK , you will addictively continue until before you know it, you’re on your next cup! The process in cultivating the coffee beans requires an extended le

What else is MFPRODUCTS doing apart from producing coffee?

MF PRODUCTS UK   are a respectable business with great integrity and a reputable ethos. Aside from making the best coffee in the world, the question “What else is MF PRODUCTS  doing apart from making coffee?” has been circulating for quite a while now and we believe at MF PRODUCTS UK that it is time to share with you, our latest project. Here at MF PRODUCTS UK we believe in helping out the little man, in helping out the less fortunate, in helping out those who might be struggling. Its just who we are. As a company, we all hold similar values in assisting whoever we can, whenever we can, in any way we can. If we can help we’re doing it. For that reason, I am proud to announce MF CHARITY. As many of you are aware the coffee beans originate from Blue Mountain, Jamaica and in case you didn’t know education in Jamaica is not free. That’s right, whilst we have the luxury of free education in the western parts of the world many local communities find themselves scraping together funds to fi