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What can consuming coffee do for you?

I’m not sure many of you know this but, coffee is the most enjoyed beverage with 1.4 billion cups being poured every day. That’s 58,333,333 cups an hour, 972,222 a minute, 16204 a SECOND. That’s crazy isn’t it? By the time you’ve finished reading this almost 5 million cups have been poured. Incredible stuff, I know. Now that I’ve got your attention lets delve right into what all the buzz is about.
The first thing that a cup of MF COFFEE can do for you is reduce your chances of Alzheimer’s. You’re currently asking yourself “How??” right now aren’t you? Well, let me explain. According to a 2014 study subjects who were made to drink three or more cups of coffee a day were less likely to develop Alzheimer’s short term. This is particular due to the levels of beta-amyloid that coffee can reduce. As much as 50%. Beta-amyloid is a destructive protein that is often found in the brains of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. With this approach, it’s assumed that by reducing beta-amyloid levels you can reduce the chance of Alzheimer’s. Pretty cool stuff right? So, with the daily consumption of a cup of MF COFFEE  you are actively reducing your chances of Alzheimer’s. If you want to experience premium tasting coffee AND reduce the chances of Alzheimer's why do you come over to and check out the store.
The second benefit of consuming that delicious beverage which we know and love as coffee is the fat burning qualities it has, yes, I know, this is practically a biology lesson for you but stick with me. Coffee contains several biologically active substances that can affect metabolism the most important one being caffeine. Caffeine in just one cup can boost calorie burning by four percent over the course of two and half hours.. In addition, caffeine stimulates the nervous system, which sends direct signals to the fat cells triggering them to break down fat. Now all of this may sound too technical but think about consuming that cup of MF COFFEE before you go on that run or at the gym before you work out, that extra 4% could be the ultimate difference.
The last benefit I’ll share with you guys is the antioxidants that it contains. Whilst berries are usually consumed for antioxidants, studies have shown that people consume more coffee than they do berries meaning people are consuming more antioxidants through coffee than through berries. “But what do antioxidants do?” I hear you ask. Antioxidants are especially helpful in delaying or preventing cell damage this obviously plays a role in reducing heart disease and many forms of cancer which I’m sure are things no one wants to experience. With that being said coffee, especially MF COFFEE from JAMAICA BLUE MOUNTAIN, will help provide you with a plethora of health benefits that you can only be thankful for.

Is Coffee Healthy? The Benefits and Cautions


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