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Showing posts from August, 2020

How To Make A Cast-Iron Apple Nutmeg Coffee Cake

Good morning MF Coffee enthusiasts, today we’re going to be showing you guys how to make a Cast-Iron Apple Nutmeg Coffee Cake, MF Coffee style! Before we get into the actual cake making, we need to go through the ingredients (there’s a lot).   For this recipe you will need: 3 tablespoons of butter (preferably cubed) 1/2 cup of packed brown sugar 2 cups chopped peeled Gala apple 1/2 or 1/4  cup of brewed MF Coffee (depends on how coffee-strong you want your cake to be) 2/3 cup of canola oil 1/2 cup sugar 1 large egg plus 1 large egg white, room temperature 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract 1 or 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda 1/4 teaspoon of ground nutmeg For the drizzle you will need : 1/3 cup brewed coffee 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream 1-1/2 cups confectioners' sugar Now we have

Is coffee good for the heart?

Good afternoon my MF Coffee readers. Our last post was about how MF Coffee could help the liver and well, since we’re on such a roll the MF Team thought it was appropriate that we continued and spoke about how else MF Coffee can help our organs. We’ve seen that MF Coffee can help with headaches, the liver, your skin… now, it’s time to investigate what MF Coffee can do for the heart. In the past there were disputes on a regular basis regarding coffees actual health benefits, especially on the heart. However, as studies have improved, the link between increased health and coffee consumption can no longer go unnoticed. In fact, it’s been shown that consuming around 3-4 cups of coffee a day could help protect our cardiovascular cells from damage and also aid them in repairing faster. Cardiovascular cells are in our arteries and veins and help blood transport through the body and heart. If these cells are not functioning at optimum levels all sorts of complications can occur. The eld

How to make a Dalgona coffee.

Good evening everyone and welcomes back to another MFProducts Blog. We hope you’ve had a great weekend. Today were going to be looking at the Dalgona coffee which (according to MF Blog readers) is supposed to blow us away. So without further ado let’s look at this ‘Korean Kreation’. This Korean coffee drink has been taking the internet by storm, birthing from a tik-tok trend, the MF Products team decided they had to see what all the fuss was about. From what we initially saw, the dalgona coffee is like a cappuccino turned on its head, with the frothy coffee on top and the milk underneath. Sounds inventive. It only requires three ingredients to make and you can have it hot or cold. To make this drink (2 servings) you will need: -           Two tablespoons of granulated sugar -           Two tablespoons of instant coffee (ready to be purchased at very, very soon!) -           Two tablespoons of cold water -           Milk (for serving) -           Ice (f

What can coffee do for your liver?

Good evening guys, welcome back to another edition of the highly anticipated MF Products Blog! The liver is one of the largest organs in the body. It has many important metabolic functions. It converts the nutrients in our diets into substances that the body can use, stores these substances, and supplies cells with them when needed. In other words, readers, you cannot live without it. With that being said, shouldn’t we try to find as many ways as possible to maintain this vital organ? The obvious answer is yes, and could the saviour once again be a cup of MF Coffee ? Let’s find out right now. In 2016 a report confirmed the potential health benefits that coffee had on liver health. The report suggested that drinking a moderate amount of coffee may prevent liver cancer as well as other liver conditions including fibrosis and cirrhosis. Overall, an increase in coffee consumption of two cups per day, in individuals who typically consume anything from one to over five cups a day, is assoc

Does coffee help with headaches?

Good evening everyone, its another blog by MF Products and today we’re going to be looking at something slightly different. Today, the MF Products Team was riddled with headaches and someone asked “I wonder if there’s a drink that could resolve this pain” which got us thinking. Since coffee, especially MF Coffee (which is available to purchase now), has so many benefits maybe there’s a chance it can cure headaches too. Here’s what we found. We realised that when your head hurts or aches, people generally want a fast relief as the pain can be tedious. Caffeine is usually found in many painkillers and has statistically shown them to be 40% more effective with caffeine as opposed to without it. Actually, there are reports that the consumption of caffeine has even stopped the pain directly after. Which begs the question, could MF Coffee resolve your headache? Headaches can usually occur due to inflammation of the brain; caffeine’s main superpower is to reduce inflammation it does th

What can coffee do for your skin?

Good morning everyone, welcome back to another edition of The MF Products Blog. Today we’re going to be looking at coffee and what it can do for you cosmetically. Specifically, the largest organ on your body. No, its not the liver. It’s in fact, the skin. Yes! The skin that’s all over your body is indeed an organ and since it’s everywhere we should take the most care with it. At least that’s what we think at MF Products .   Anyways, many people go through life having sensitive skin and they endure this treacherous and tedious search in trying to find that ‘special’ cream that will magically dispose of any breakouts or redness when really there’s a game changer right in front of them (not literally, but you get where I’m going with this). The truth is… MF Coffee has been the saviour this whole time. In fact, a study was published that showed that Japanese women between the ages of 30 to 60 who drank coffee had significantly less markers of aging. So that meant less wrinkles and pigme

Is coffee a form of laxative?

Coffee to many is regarded as the delicious beverage that wakes up the brain in the morning.  To many it’s their lifeline in ensuring they don’t doze off and miss important dates or events. However, today at MF Products we’re going to look and see if coffee has other ‘purposes’. There are claims that coffee has the ability to energize ones bowels as it does to one’s brain and today The MF Products Team is going to find the underlying cause of this. Whilst there’s not a consistent string of studies on this case, there is one in 2015 that pointed out that decaffeinated coffee had a significant effect on those with postoperative ileus. Postoperative ileus refers to digestive problems that occur after abdominal surgery. In this case, the patients studied had colon surgery. There are also studies from the 1990’s that establish a connection between coffee and digestion. What was shown was an increased rectosigmoid motility. This essentially meant movement at the intersection of the large

What are the benefits of Sea Moss?

Good Afternoon, my fellow MF Products UK Blog readers. Today marks a change in content for MF Products. We’ve decided to branch out and expand. So, as our product line has extended so will our content. With today's topic being all about Sea Moss and how purchasing MF Products’ Sea Moss can help. So, without further ado here are 9 benefits of purchasing a pack of MF Products Sea Moss . 1)       It has 92 minerals: What’s amazing about this is that there are 102 trace minerals in our body, and sea moss has 92 of them that’s over 90% of the minerals you need in ONE food. What’s even better is the fact that because its organic it’s more assimilated with the body and therefore digests easier.   2)       Promotes a healthy thyroid: The thyroid is very important in regard to hormone management. Particularly the hormones Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine. A healthy thyroid contributes to the effective function of the digestive system, heart, cholesterol levels, brain, mood, bones,

Picking process on the Mountain Forest Farm.

Can coffee boost our memory?

On the MF Products blog page, we take pride in learning. It’s truly amazing understanding how powerful coffee can be and how consuming MF Coffee , can genuinely aid your life in becoming easier and better overall. One of our readers this week asked if it’s true that coffee can “boost our memory”.   The MF Products Team absolutely loved the question and therefore took the time to research and delve into all the facts before posting this blog. But anyways, here we are. So, without further ado, let’s get into this. There have been numerous studies that have suggested that caffeine has many health benefits. Now, due to technology and research there’s possibly evidence to suggest that a dose of caffeine after a learning session may help to boost long-term memory. This is according to a study published in the journal  Nature Neuroscience . A research team led by Daniel Borota from the John Hopkins university in Baltimore, distinguished that despite there being previous research that ha